Future Navy - Here and Now
This is New generation of Fast Combat Craft based on the Hydrodynamics innovations, advanced STEALTH and Naval Architecture for military's offshore and littoral, brown-water missions, where efficiency, low cost, innovation, higher payload, agility, shock mitigation, shallow draft are the new priorities for the next-generation naval craft.
Weapon employment in Sea States up to 3 without course/speed limitations at max allowed propulsion power, and in Sea State up to 5 at a speed of up to 30 knots inclusive
A fast, highly-maneuverable ship that features an shallow draft for interdiction operations in littoral areas.
The ship uses the patented Tri-Hull, originally developed as a low-wake design for service, to achieve unprecedented speed and ride quality while preserving stability and large load capabilities.
Advanced Technology STEALTH
Low Radar, Laser detection and tracking
- The bottom surface is composed of small oblique reflecting surfaces, excluding the reflection signal in the direction of the radar
- Water curtaine system
- Low profile of craft
- Very weak keel water track after craft and a very small spray in the fore and the wave as a whole
- Active radar and laser stations counter
Advanced Technology STEALTH
- Exhaust under the hull
The large volume of the hot gases heated at burning of fuel in the cylinders of engines always required large efforts of engineers to decrease a temperature of Exhaust Gases to the moment
of their passing to the atmosphere.
This is important for creation of subzero infra-red visibility, IR signatures of ship.
Accordingly the exhaust system of existent war-ships takes away the to 20% area of deck and requires creation of difficult cooling device.
We created one technical device and successfully executed 4 tasks :
Effectively to cool hot exhaust-gass
Air-blasting in water under a bottom hull for creation of the active airing and reduce of hydrodynamic resistance of ship,
Blowing of super cavitations blades of semisubmersible propellers
Reduce of becoming overgrown with of water-plants on the bottom hull.
Main task - to get rid from the unmasking factors of exhaust was successfully executed!
Advanced Technology STEALTH
Activ Sonar signals Absorbtion
- Activ Aeration under hull
Low visual visibility
- Special camouflage paint “Silver SM” with a micro-mirror property, which reflects the light from the surface waves that creates the visual effect of "fusion" craft with the surrounding water
Advanced Technology STEALTH
Low Radar, IR and Laser detection and tracking
- Water curtaine system
The automatic system of the water nebulizing adds and increases efficiency
of all facilities of radio electronic warfare and technology of STEALTH.
Executable functions:
analyses distribution of temperatures on the sea surface and creates the copy of this thermal picture on the surface of ship
neutralizes the own electromagnetic field of ship,
takes in and neutralizes the radiation of lasers and radars of opponent.