Future Navy - Here and Now
This is New generation of Fast Combat Craft based on the Hydrodynamics innovations, advanced STEALTH and Naval Architecture for military's offshore and littoral, brown-water missions, where efficiency, low cost, innovation, higher payload, agility, shock mitigation, shallow draft are the new priorities for the next-generation naval craft.
Weapon employment in Sea States up to 3 without course/speed limitations at max allowed propulsion power, and in Sea State up to 5 at a speed of up to 30 knots inclusive
A fast, highly-maneuverable ship that features an shallow draft for interdiction operations in littoral areas.
The ship uses the patented Tri-Hull, originally developed as a low-wake design for service, to achieve unprecedented speed and ride quality while preserving stability and large load capabilities.
Planing Stepped Tri - Hull
Surface Drive Propulsion System
Applied the ZF Trimax Surface Drive Propulsion Systems found new advantages due to the specially projected geometry of bottom hull in a stern, taking into account the specific of SDS :
It is efficiency on small speed at the displacement, starting and transitional (at gliding) mode, and also at the revers of traction does not yield of propulsion with submerged propellers
exceptional longitudinal stability of ship on high speed and necessity of the dynamic balancing of ship are attained by means of change of trimm angle or the guided trimm-plates is absent,
absolute course stability of ship at high speed is attained by indemnification of vectors of transversal traction due to the form of bottom hull.
Highest performance surface drives.
Preplane stability and making way at any speed in heavy seas, no other surface drive can display (similar to standard inboard)
25% to 30% speed increase over conventional systems.
25% to 30% increase in fuel efficiency.
Shallow water operation (elimination of underwater appendages)
Propellers ventilate to the surface rather than cavitate under the hull reducing noise and destructive hull and prop erosion
Less Vibration than Inboard or I/O applications
Proven reliability (long term, low maintenance)
Easy and simple maintenance (field repairable)
Unobstructed transom (allows for stern boarding and accessories)
Quiet Operation (exhaust exits under vessel)
Transom Area: is usable deck space (transom is free of exhaust pipes)
Low Radar Profile (no rooster tail)
Minimal IR Signature (exhaust gasses mixed with propeller wash)
Reliability of rudder